2 Questions To Consider When Choosing New Double Hung Windows

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Windows are an essential feature of every home but not all windows are created equal. Great windows will be both functional and an attractive asset to your home. Adding new windows is an excellent home improvement project that can dramatically improve the energy efficiency of your home and add a great deal of style and charm to the facade.

For a winning combination of functionality and good looks, you can't beat double hung windows. However, with so many different styles and models now available, it can be hard to determine the best choice for your home. If you're considering some new double hung windows for your home, here are two questions for you to consider.

1. What material is best?

Traditionally, double hung windows were all made from timber. These days there are a wider number of options, including vinyl, aluminum, and fiberglass. The best option for you will depend on your preferences for certain materials and how much money you have to spend.

Vinyl windows are a great budget option, but they aren't as durable as other styles. Aluminum windows are also a cost-effective option and are strong and durable. However, if you are looking for great insulation, aluminum windows aren't a very effective thermal barrier.

Timber and fiberglass are the most expensive options, but they're worth the higher price if you value durability and high performance. Both are excellent insulators and will increase the energy efficiency of your home. Timber is popular because it's a natural and aesthetically pleasing material, but it will require more upkeep over time than fiberglass.

2. What type of glazing is best?

The other main decision you'll need to make is what type of glazing to have in your new double hung windows. Standard glass is still an option, but if you want secure and high performing windows, it's best to upgrade to a modern glazing style. This will mean a slightly higher cost but the investment will soon be recouped with savings on your energy bill.

Low-e (low emissivity) glass is glazing that has been coated in a fine polymer that helps create a thermal barrier. You can make your double hung windows even more energy efficient by opting for double glazing. Double glazing uses two panes of glass with a small, gas-filled pocket between them. This makes them highly energy-efficient and a great idea if you experience very hot summers or very cold winters.

For more information, reach out to a double hung windows installation service near you.
